Take Up More Space, not Less

Channeled message from the angelic realm, lightly edited for grammar and sentence continuity.  November, 2024.

So, you think that these are trying times?  If, so, then there is no debate but rather a mandate from the heavens to let loose and be the real You.  You have more space to create, not less.  You have more space to express yourself.  Take up more space, not less.  Be You in the world and be glad of it.  By not conceding space, by spreading Love and Light, by being the real You the medicine that your human world is needing is assured.  Be You.

You are a co-creator with the Universe.  Remember who you are.  Remember that you are always, always part of something bigger and more wonderful.  You are a creator and that’s your super power.  Go toward your passions.  Be led by your Higher Self to always follow those passions.  That is how you will know that it is your Higher Self speaking to you.  That is how you will know where the Universe/God/Source is sending and directing energy.  New energies will match wherever you are most excited and where you feel directed to apply yourself.

Listen inside your heart.  Where are you being drawn?  Get used to honoring that calling.  In what area are you the happiest?  What makes you jump up and down with joy on any day?  What subject or activity makes you feel like You?  And if you asked yourself what you most want what answers would you hear, not from your head but from your heart?  Your heart is very intelligent.  It is the brain that few were ever told that it is best to listen to.  There is no metaphor here.  Literally, the heart will steer your direction toward Love (the stuff that you are made of), toward Excitement as in feeling Good in the morning, and toward Purpose, that is, meaningful living, meaningful contribution to others.  Love.  You can live in love.  From this place of Love inside your heart you will know for sure who you really are.  From this place of Love inside your heart you will know for sure which way to go and where to invest your energies.

So, start the day sitting or lying down quietly and listening.  Ask what should I do today?  Where should I go?  Listen for your answers.  The heart will respond with words or pictures and/or just a knowing.  Your mind can take over from there with its contribution of planning, perhaps, or even more imagining now that it has a proper direction.

Go ahead and imagine.  See detailed scenes.  Feel what your creative mind is coming up with.  Feel it.  See it.  Be it. 

Finally, as you go along with your days and with your life unfolding before you take your first steps of real action.  Check in with yourself.  How does it feel to be standing in the midst of your creation?

You are a co-creator with the Universe.  As you take steps the Universe will be there to meet you with resources, with just the right person to talk to at just the perfect time, with encouragement in many forms, and you will feel loved and cared for by Source. 

Keep going.  Take all that love and support and take a few more steps.  Check in.  Feel great.  Notice how very good that you feel.  Welcome that feeling.  Expect more of this.  You are truly turned on as You.  All that Goodness is your proof that you are on the right track.  You are a creator and you know it.###

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