Lisa Martin

Where You Go,
We Will Go.

Where souls meet there is clarity, honesty, and connection.  Meet your Higher Self.  Communicate directly with the Higher Energies.

A message from the angels:  Wherever souls unite their power is many times greater than that of one soul alone.  Feel your connection with the Universe’s power.  You are part of all that. 

Call in Source Energy whenever you need to transform disturbing energies, experiences, memories or lower energy emotions such as anger, sadness, grief or a lack of hope.  Feel Source Energy pour through you.  Know by experience who you really are and where you came from.  Claim your rightful place, your birthright of peace, balance, and joy right now.  Be at peace even now as you continue to live a human life.  As you experience peace, balance and joy so, too, you bring these blessings to the earth.

You are not alone.
You never have to go it alone.

I’m Aisha-Sky Gates.  I am a spiritual teacher with a long professional background in coaching, counseling, and consulting.  It is my honor to serve.  Personal Development.  Spiritual Practice and Growth.  The Great Transformation.  Your Next Steps?  Find Harmony, Happiness, Balance.  

Happiness.  Joy.  Bliss.  It’s your birthright.  Live at a higher vibration.  Enjoy every moment of your life.


Pursue a daily
spiritual practice.

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